Regular maintenance on your vehicle is a necessity if you want to keep it running for years. A lot of people get their oil changed every 6 months or every 5000 miles which is a great habit to get into but a lot of people rarely do anything else. To keep your vehicle running smooth and clean, here are the top 3 different types of fluid flushes you do on a regular basis.
1. Transmission Fluid Flush – Your transmission is made up of a lot of moving parts. To ensure that they perform efficiently and smoothly, they need lubrication. Transmission fluid lubricates the parts and cycles through the engine so while it is doing this, it gets increasingly thicker and accumulates dirt and waste. A sludge can stick to your transmission gears and cause problems with shifting.
The thicker the transmission fluid is, the worse it is. It can drop hydraulic power, similar to not having enough fluid in the transmission system. A transmissions fluid flush will remove all the old, degraded fluid and cleans the entire transmission.
2. Power Steering Flush – Power steering fluid is one of the cheapest parts of your car to maintain. Power steering fluid makes it possible for you to turn your steering wheel with 1 finger. The most common problems are caused by time. The seals and O-rings in your power steering wear out over time and tiny pieces of it break off and contaminate the power steering fluid. These contaminates act like shrapnel and if not taken care of, they can cause a problem with your whole power steering rack, which is very expensive to replace.
If you notice any problems or trouble steering, bring your vehicle in as soon as possible. It is dangerous to drive if you don’t have proper control of your car.
3. Coolant or Radiator Flush – Coolant is a mixture of anti-freeze and water. It helps prevent overheating and regulates the temperature of the engine. Coolant keeps the your engine cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Like the other fluids, coolant degrades and gets dirty over time and this leads to weak engine performance. A flush cleans out all the buildup and new anti-freeze contains additives to protect your radiator against new buildups.
To make an appointment with us for coolant, transmission or power steering flushes, give Bridge St. Tire & Alignment a call at (781) 340-9500